Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The battle for the digital book market – Sobooks against Kindle Unlimited – gruenderszene.de

In Search of the Philosopher’s Stone

What can be digitized will be digitized. Say in any case the scholars. This week two offers have been added, which will stir up the digital book market. Kindle unlimited from Internet giants Amazon and Sobooks of the two German Webhelden Christoph Kappes and Sascha Lobo with their small team. We have looked at both services to us.

Kindle Unlimited feels like a streaming service. Pay once, read everything. This “everything” is the time when somewhat clear. Unlimited access to 650,000 books promises the service to start. Flagship among the recommendations is “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, otherwise there is a lot of feather-light entertainment. Oh well. Current Bestsellers or novels are not here yet. Nearly 500,000 currently available books are published in English. Here the offer is significantly more diverse. But Amazon is sure reloading very fast in terms of range.

Ebooks to read in the Kindle app or directly on the Kindle reader. It all looks very decent and fun. The synchronization of all devices works very well. The app to load on your smartphone or tablet and can continue reading started on the sofa in the subway. For 9.99 euros a month which is tempting, if the offer is growing rapidly of interesting books. That should not be a problem in the concentrated market power of Amazon actually. The first 30 days are free for testing.

a slightly different path loading …

The battle for the digital book market – Sobooks against Kindle Unlimited 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings


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